Frequently Asked Questions
Solana Mixer

How long does the mixing process take?

We have a sufficient reserve of SOLANA, allowing our clients to carry out transactions independently. We never combine clients' coins in a single outgoing transaction. Additionally, you can set a custom time delay for each operation to make the coin mixing process more thorough. Your coins will be sent according to the custom delay.

I accidentally closed the browser window. What should I do now?

There is no need to keep the browser window open after receiving the address to send the coins. The mixing process happens automatically.

How long does a mixing address remain active?

A generated address is valid indefinitely, with no time limit.

Do you keep any logs?

The Solana Mixer service does not store any information about processed transactions and keeps no server logs.

What is the largest amount I can mix?

We have sufficient SOLANA for any amount to be mixed. If you need an exceptionally large amount (over 1,000,000 SOL), we will receive a notification and unlock our cold storage. Don't worry; we will do our best to assist you!

What is the smallest amount?

Please note that the minimum amount for mixing is 1 SOL. Smaller amounts are considered a donation to our service.

Can I trust you with my privacy?

The Solana Mixer service does not store any information about processed transactions and keeps no logs.

What is the service fee?

The mixing fee ranges from 1% to 5%.
The higher the percentage, the greater the anonymity.

Where should I contact if I have questions?

For any questions, write to the email Mixer Support